Tweets by thepoliblog – 2

January 27, 2020 at 4:26 pm | Posted in Disinformation, Dysfunctional Politics, Enemies of Freedom, Enemies of Planet Earth, Fairness, Global warming, Presidential election | Leave a comment
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Here are newer tweets by thepoliblog.




#PresidentChump, you said that Xi Jingping is an enemy of the United States.

Xi is not the only enemy head of state.

Putin is another.

You are the third, and worst.




[@SpeakerPelosi, who noted that Chump opposed energy-efficient light bulbs.]

Who bought #PresidentChump this time?





If McConnell will only bring up bills that #PresidentChump supports,

then he is violating the Constitution by undermining its checks and balances.




After the Group of Seven met, the other leaders said,

The US is not sending us their best.

It sent us an ignorant, insecure, bigoted groper and would-be rapist.




[@drerinchou (Dr. Erin Chou)]

The Straight Pride marchers are as insecure as President Chump.





Trump is Putin’s chihuahua, and McConnell is Trump’s chihuahua.




[@SpeakerPelosi, @Eugene_Robinson, ]@RepAdamSchiff, @SenSchumer

#PresidentChump claimed that he was worried about corruption in Ukraine.

But he didn’t say “I need you to do the right thing.”

He said, “I would like you to do us a favor though”. He asked for corruption.




[@SpeakerPelosi, @Eugene_Robinson, @RepAdamSchiff, @SenSchumer]

Why does #PresidentChump want to withdraw from the Open Skies Treaty?

The editors of the Washington Post say that the treaty “monitors the conflict

in eastern Ukraine being fueled by Russia.”

Chump wants to aid Putin.




Medicare for all would be a Government monopoly of healthcare.

It would become like the VA at its worst, with no alternative.




To undo #PresidentChump’s damage:

Biden, who is electable, humane, and knowledgeable,

backed up by Kamala Harris and Pete Buttigieg (one as VP and one in the Cabinet),

and John Delaney, Cory Booker, and other good candidates in the Cabinet.





#PresidentChump, why isn’t your Twitter tag @realJohnBarron?

In pretending to be someone else, you tried to create REAL fake news!




[@SpeakerPelosi, @Eugene_Robinson, @TomPerez]

Today’s Washington Post described Bernie Sanders as “staunchly liberal”.

Sanders is not liberal, he is statist. He is not a democratic socialist,

because he doesn’t like democracy.

Sanders wants Gov’t to be the only source of everything,

with no alternatives, no choice.




McConnell blocked sanctions on Russia

because after McC’s wife joined #PresidentChump’s administration,

McConnell ceased to be on our side. He became #MoscowMitch.




[@SpeakerPelosi, @Eugene_Robinson, @TomPerez]

Fiona Hill’s words apply to Devin Nunes, Jim Jordan and Kevin McCarthy:

they “promote politically driven falsehoods that so clearly advance Russian interests”.

To help #PresidentChump, they have to help Putin. So they do.




@SpeakerPelosi, @Eugene_Robinson, @TomPerez, @SenSchumer

Devin Nunes, Jim Jordan, Kevin McCarthy: Putin’s mouthpieces in the House.

Either unknowingly or knowingly. Stupid or disloyal or both. #Putin’sMouthpieces.




[@SpeakerPelosi, @Eugene_Robinson, @TomPerez]

#PresidentChump wants to build a #ChumpTower in one or more cities in Russia.

That is why he finds it convenient to believe Putin rather than the CIA.

President Chump is one of #Putin’sMouthpieces.




#PresidentChump was mocked at the NATO conference because he doesn’t favor

the free world. He is not the leader of the free world.

President Chump Made America Second Rate Again.




[@Eugene_Robinson, @TomPerez]

#PresidentChump, you send asylum seekers back to dangerous areas.

Should Spain in the 1930s and 1940s have deported those who snuck into Spain to flee the Nazis and Vichy France? How was that different from refugees from gangs?




[@Eugene_Robinson, @TomPerez]

#PresidentChump’s deferrment from the draft resulted from

a diagnosis of heel spurs made by a doctor whose office was rented from Fred Trump.

Chump’s walking never shows any effect of heel spurs.

Chump, prove that you really had heel spurs.




McConnell promises to lie under oath during Trump’s trial by the Senate.

Isn’t that impeachable? Cannot McConnel be at least censured?




[@SpeakerPelosi, @Eugene_Robinson, @TomPerez]

President Chump’s post-impeachment message to Nancy Pelosi proves it:

#PresidentChump is a psychopath.




[@Spea[kerPelosi, @Eugene_Robinson, @SenSchumer]

If McConnell blocks #PresidentChump’s Trump’s conviction on the current

bills of impeachment, Chump can be re-impeached on other counts.

This justifies Congress’ calls for hitherto refused testimony and information.





As Eugene Robinson noted, Mark Galli’s editorial in Christianity Today said,

“Mr. Trump did not have a serious opportunity to offer his side of the story …”

#PresidentChump was offered that opportunity, but refused it.




Mahatma Ghandi and Jawaharlal Nehru would both be aghast at what that bigot Modi has done.

Narendra Modi spits on what India once stood for.




[comment to to a tweet by Jim Acosta about Trump’s claims about windmills]

#PresidentChump is too stupid to know when he sounds stupid.




A rare opportunity for #Republican Senators: #PresidentChump’s impeachment.

Return to classical Republicanism. Reclaim your honor.

Disassociate from #MoscowMitch.




#Republican Senators: switch back from Putin’s side to the American side:

expel the creepy clown in the White House.




If enough #Republican Senators vote to expel the creepy clown in the White

House, then neither the Chump nor his base would have a well-defined target.





Lindsey Graham, why did you stop being a patriot?

The answer: you thought it would boost your chance of being re-elected.

John McCain would have been ashamed of you. You should be, too.





In the history books, you will be grouped with Devin Nunes and Louis Gohmert.




[@TomPerez, @Eugene_Robinson]

#PresidentChump: defective as a human being, and is destructive to America and to the free world.

But if Sanders becomes the Democratic candidate I will leave blank the Presidential line on the ballot.

Sanders would be as bad as Trump, but in a different way.


See Heathcare For All? Yes! But Beware Medicare For All




[A comment to Erin Chou’s tweet that

“I’m puzzled by the growing number of so-called vegan products being peddled by Burger King and others. If I were a vegan, why would I want to support a business whose core is based on cruelty and slaughter?”]

Let them transition. Every increase in humaneness has been gradual.




[A comment to Nancy Pelosi’s tweet that

“After this weekend’s 6.0 earthquake, we continue to pray for our fellow American citizens in Puerto Rico. Trump Admin must quickly approve Governor’s request for a Major Disaster Declaration and stop withholding Congressionally appropriated funds to recover from 2017 hurricanes.”]

He’s withholding the Congressionally appropriated funds because he wants a favor, though.




[A comment to Jim Acosta’s tweet that

“Grisham defends Trump’s tweet of Schumer and Pelosi in traditional Muslim clothing: “I think the president is making clear that the democrats have been parroting Iranian talking points and almost taking the side of terrorists and those who were out to kill the Americans.”

Stephanie Grisham, the taxpayer funded Press Secretary, does not do her job.

Instead she creates disinformation.




[@Eugene_Robinson, @EJDionne]

E.J. Dionne Jr’s op-ed today mentioned “Rudi Giuliani’s unseemly efforts to undermine

our own ambassador to Ukraine”.

Giuliani’s actions were illegal for a US Citizen.

Lock him up!




[@Eugene_Robinson, @danbalz]

Another #NeverSanders voter!

Make that #NeverSanders, #NeverTrump.




[A a comment to Ted Lieu tweet about Devin Nunes]

Nunes can’t change the fact that he will go down in history as one of Putin’s mouthpieces.




Every time McConnell is mentioned in connection with #Trump’s trial,

recall that McConnell’s wife is in Trump’s Cabinet.

Conflict of Interest!




[A comment on a tweet by Jim Acosta that

“Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn spent hours attacking Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, a key National Security Council aide who testified before Congress on the Ukraine scandal, on Twitter, including questioning the Purple Heart recipient’s patriotism”]

That proves that Marsha Blackburn is not a true patriot, and opposes those who are.




Washington Post headline: “defense [of #trump] will focus on Bidens”

Note the attempt to change the subject. Note the utter irrelevance.

This proves that Cipollone and Sekulow have no case – NOTHING!

Tweets by thepoliblog – 1

August 18, 2019 at 8:38 pm | Posted in Abuse of Office, Climate change, Conceited, Disinformation, Enemies of Freedom, Enemies of Planet Earth, Fairness, Presidential election | Leave a comment
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Singing male blackbird, Bogense havn, Funen, Denmark. Image provided by Malene Thyssen (User:Malene), 13 May 2004, via da:Billede:Solsort.jpg on the Danske Wikipedia.

Singing male blackbird, Bogense havn, Funen, Denmark. Image provided by Malene Thyssen (User:Malene), 13 May 2004, via da:Billede:Solsort.jpg on the Danske Wikipedia.

Here are some tweets by thepoliblog. Some were posted on Trump’s and on McConnell’s government twitter pages, where, as comments by the public about official business, they cannot be removed, so Trump and Trump’s fans, or McConnell and McConnell’s fans, are confronted by them, again and again. Some of the tweets are directed to Devin Nunes and to Rupert Murdoch.
Tweet to counter the twits.
Contrary to his boasts, #PresidentChump was a failure in business.
After his many bankruptcies, most banks refused to lend to him.
He was reduced to marketing his name instead of real estate, and to strutting around on TV.
Chump is like the Music Man, but meaner.
When most banks decided to stop lending to #DonnyTheChump,
his main source of funds became Putin’s henchmen, and DeutscheBank.
That is probably one reason why #PresidentChump hides his tax returns.
It also explains his loyalty to Putin.
#PresidentChump is Putin’s chihuahua.
#PresidentChump’s inflated claims of wealth are designed to support his false
claim of success in business.
They are like con-man Bernie Madoff’s claims to his actual and potential investors.
This is one of the reasons why Chump wants to hide his tax forms.
If #PresidentChump’s claims of wealth were true, he could prove his claims by showing his tax forms, as previous Presidential candidates and Presidents have done.
Recent newspaper articles wonder whether a woman can be elected President.
We already have proof that a woman can be.
Hillary Clinton would have won if it hadn’t been for the obsolete Electoral College, Putin’s interference, disgruntled Berniecrats, and the malevolent Green Party, which always draws pro-environment votes away from the only pro-environment candidates who could win.
President John Barron?
John Barron, John Baron, and John Miller are names that #PresidentChump
used in phone calls to the New York Times, while attempting to CREATE fake news.
He pretended to be calling with favorable insider information about Donald Trump.
#PresidentChump is NOT the leader of the free world.
He doesn’t even LIKE free societies.
He prefers authoritarian societies: societies that are
like the Trump Organization writ large.
#PresidentChump envies heads of state who command goons.
You can see that at his rallies,
and in his approval of the atrocities by Putin, bin Salman, Kim, Duterte, and on and on, ad nauseum.
#PresidentChump sneered at John McCain’s academic record.
Them why does #Chump use lawyers to prevent the release of his OWN academic records? You already know the answer.
Why is #PresidentChump’s self-esteem so fragile?
His father bullied him, and his alcoholic drug-addicted older brother committed suicide.
There is nothing abnormal about #PresidentChump’s frantic bleats of “No collusion”.
The guilty deny guilt. Chump’s panic and frenzy give him away.
Make America Great Again, eh?
No, #PresidentChump made America SECOND-RATE again.
#PresidentChump, how does it feel to be one of the 3 worst Presidents
in American history, and, among those 3, to be one of the most harmful 2 ?
#PresidentChump, how does it feel to be the most illiterate President in American history?
You boasted that you didn’t read your textbooks in school because you didn’t need to.
That was a lie. You didn’t read them, because you couldn’t.
His only guiding principle: Trump First!
His only goal: Make Trump Great Again! Lets hear it: MTGA!
#PresidentChump is an excrementalist: an excremental political thinker, an excremental economist, an excremental human being, and an excremental businessman.
#PresidentChump cannot read Mueller’s report, because he cannot read.
Chump tries to hide the fact that he is nearly illiterate.
#PresidentChump, the Creepy Clown in the White House,
deserves to be impeached and convicted.
But unpatriotic Mitch McConnell would prevent conviction by the Senate, which President Chump would then claim as exoneration.
Nancy Pelosi is right. Hold hearings instead, to obtain evidence for the 2020 election.
Trumpist agent Mitch McConnell blocks Constitutionally mandated Congressional oversight.
He has a conflict of interest: his wife is in #PresidentChump’s cabinet.
#MBS claimed that his team merely wanted to bring Jamal #Khashoggi
back to Saudi Arabia, and that Khashoggi’s death was unintentional.
Why then did MBS’s team bring a bone saw to their encounter with Khashoggi?
#PresidentChump defends MBS: pretended heel spurs defend a bone saw.
After January 20, 2021, Canada, Mexico, Britain, Ireland, the EU, Australia and other
non-authoritarian countries can declare #PresidentChump (#Trump) to be persona non grata, and bar him from polluting their countries by his presence.
#PresidentChump demanded that Obama display his birth certificate.
With far more justification, we demand to see X-rays of
President Chump’s heel spurs. Heel spurs don’t go away by themselves.
If they are no longer there, show us documentation of the operation that removed them.
If what E. Jean Carroll says is true, #PresidentChump attempted rape.
He should be tried. If convicted, he should go to jail,
and should be required to register as a sex offender.
#PresidentChump claims the he didn’t rape E. Jean Carroll because
she “is not my type”.
Pause for a moment, to digest what Chump’s statement says about his character.
#PresidentChump claims that he didn’t rape E. Jean Carroll because
“she’s not my type”. But Lady Liberty is not his type either,
and that hasn’t prevented his repeated attempts the penetrate her.
@realDonaldTrump, #PresidentChump, are you proud of what you tried to do to Vera Coking?
{Widowed Homeowner Foils Trump in Atlantic City, By DAVID M. HERSZENHORN JULY 21, 1998}
And YOU call OTHER people NASTY!
@realDonaldTrump, #PresidentChump, you tried to have an elderly widow, Vera Coking, ejected from from the home that held all of her treasured memories.
You claim that you always win, but that is just a bluff. You are a LOSER!
#PresidentChump = President John Barron = President John Baron = President John Miller.
You pretended to the New York Times to be other people
with insider information about the wealth and victories of Donald Trump.
That was ACTUAL Fake News!
The United States WAS the greatest and most powerful nation on Earth, but only  before you became #PresidentChump.
You didn’t Make America Great Again, you Made America Second Rate Again.
The most harmful immigrants so far have been the ancestors of
#PresidentChump, and Rupert Murdoch himself.
#PresidentChump, in 2002 you said of Jeffrey Epstein “… he likes beautiful women
as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” How young did you know about?
Leave, #PresidentChump! Emmigrate to Putinia – Putin’s Russia.
You don’t share the values of any free country.
America receives NO PAYMENTS from the tariffed country.
Importers in the US pay, and ultimately WE pay.
Another lie by #PresidentChump.
The Pilgrims were refugees, seeking freedom to practice their religion.
Most other immigrants from Europe and elsewhere came to escape persecution
and/or sought opportunity. Examples: your paternal grandparents and your mother.

Today’s immigrants have the same motives.
#PresidentChump, what is your justification for persecuting them?
Disloyal Devin Nunes,
Dances to Putin’s tunes.
Devin, why do you oppose protecting American elections against Putin?
Devin, why haven’t you registered as lobbyist for a foreign government?
Mitch McConnell is not Putin’s agent. He just acts like one.
You said that “Mental illness and hatred pulls the trigger, not the gun.”
That just proves that the gun shouldn’t have been available, #PresidentChump.
Other countries have about the same percentage as we do
of mentally ill people and of haters.
But they don’t have as many mass shootings (we are number 1!)
because in other countries guns are not so easy to obtain, #PresidentChump.
#PresidentChump, your trade wars reflect poorly on Wharton.
You failed to learn at Wharton why trade deficits are not harmful.
Hey, #MoscowMitch! You obstruct the defense of the integrity of US elections.
That obstructs the defense of the integrity of Kentucky’s elections.
Did Kentucky’s voters know that they voted for a Senator who would work against their interests?
Putin thanks you for leaving the door open.
#MoscowMitch is too busy protecting #PresidentChump and Putin.
He doesn’t have time to work on protecting American adults or kids.
Not even kids in Kentucky.
#PresidentChump, Wharton’s shame.
Mis-understands foreign trade,
Causing farmers’ pain.
#PresidentChump, Wharton’s shame.
Wharton should withdraw your degree
until you pass a remedial course
in foreign trade.

Disloyal Americans in Congress

August 19, 2018 at 3:58 pm | Posted in Abuse of Office, Conceited, Disinformation, Dysfunctional Politics, Enemies of Freedom, Presidential election | Leave a comment
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Jim Jordan (R-OH) in the 114th Congress.

Jim Jordan (R-OH) in the 114th Congress.

In a recent Congressional hearing, Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) shouted at Rod Rosenstein, “Why are you keeping information from Congress?”. This question referred to Robert Mueller’s special investigation of Putin’s interference in the Presidential election in 2016. Mueller’s investigation had been approved by Rod Rosenstein.

Jim Jordan’s question was loaded, like “When did you stop beating your wife?”

A question is loaded if it is being used as a vehicle for making an un-proven assertion, usually a derogatory assertion. The question is being used in a sneaky attempt to implant the assertion into the minds of those who hear the question.

Jim Jordan’s question was dishonorable. Indeed, Jim Jordan is both dishonorable and disloyal.

Jim Jordan is posturing at due diligence in Congress, in part to deflect attention to the fact that he either did not exercise sufficient due diligence to learn about Richard Strauss’ widely known sexual abuse of wrestlers at Ohio State University , or else that he knew about it but chose not to do anything about it.

Here are some legitimate questions. They are not loaded questions, because they assert about Jim Jordan only what his actions have proved about him.

– Jim Jordan, why are you opposed to the investigation of the well-established fact that Putin interfered in the Presidential election in 2016?

– Jim Jordan, why are you opposed to the United States and it allies learning from Mueller’s investigation how we and our allies can combat Putin’s future attempts at manipulating public opinion and elections in our country?

Your opposition amounts to obstruction of justice, and delays the improvement of our cyber-defenses.

– Jim Jordan, why are you obstructing justice?

– Jim Jordan, since you are obstructing justice, and are delaying the US’s defense against Putin’s manipulations, why should anyone believe your claim that you didn’t know about Richard Strauss’ sexual abuse of wrestlers at Ohio State University?

– Jim Jordan, when did you cease to be a patriotic American?

As an institution, Congress is worthy of respect. But not all Congressional Representatives are worthy of respect.

Jim Jordan is not worthy of respect.

The same is true of the notorious Devin Nunes, and of Bob Goodlatte, Mark Meadows and Matt Gaetz, who collude with Jim Jordan.

Each of these disloyal Americans in Congress proritizes partisan advantage over justice, and also proritizes partisan advantage over the election-based legitimacy of the United States Government.

This has been eloquently stated by Kathie Sowell and by Beth Kreydatus in their letters to the Editor of the Washington Post.

These disloyal Americans in Congress are opposed to investigating attacks on our electoral integrity, and therefore on the legitimacy of our government.

They are opposed to obtaining the information that is needed for developing defenses of our electoral integrity, and therefore of the legitimacy of our government.

Their loyalty is to their party, in its current degenerate form. Their loyalty is not to their country.

They are colluding in a Trump-Putin disinformation campaign.

None of them merit security clearances.

None of them deserve to be re-elected next November.

They should be impeached, or at least censured.

A “Freedom Caucus”? They are the exact opposite.

Disloyal Americans in government are also found outside of the House of Representatives: Rand Paul in the Senate, by President Chump, Rudi Giuliani (formerly a hero, now a heel), and their cronies in the Administration.

The headline of a Washington Post article by Max Boot: “Trump is ignoring the worst attack on America since 9/11 … we are at war without a commander in chief.

An astute and careful commentator, E.J. Dionne Jr., notes “And Republicans should bear in mind that disrupting Robert S. Mueller III’s probe serves Putin’s interests, not just Trump’s.

In an insightful article about the attempt by Jim Jordan and cronies to impeach Rod Rosenstein, Jennifer Rubin quotes Norman Eisen (a former White House ethics counsel ) and Fred Wertheimer (founder of Democracy 21): “Key House Republicans are abusing their offices and the public trust to blindly provide protection for [President] Trump. They are doing so instead of working to get to the bottom of the worst foreign attack on American elections in our history.

In an update that is included in the online article, Jennifer Rubin then noted: “In case it wasn’t clear that this is all about Jordan’s political aspirations, he [Jim Jordan] indicated today that he is running for speaker[of the House of Representatives].”

You may remember Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, who uncovered crucial information about the break-in at the Watergate by Nixon’s team. Margaret Sullivan, of the Washington Post, reports that “Earlier this month, Bernstein said on CNN that he had never seen anything like the political reaction to Trump’s kowtowing to Russian President Vladimir Putin at a news conference following their Helsinki meeting: “We’ve never had a moment in our history like this where serious people of both parties are questioning the loyalty of the president of the United States. Unprecedented.””

The GOP, AWOL as the U.S. is attacked“. That is the headline of an important article by Joe Scarborough in the Washington Post. Scarborough’s article is well worth looking at. It is a masterful concise summary that includes all of the most important facts.

The active disloyalty of Jim Jordan, Devin Nunes, Bob Goodlatte, Mark Meadows and Matt Gaetz, and their ilk must be distinguished from the passive disloyalty of Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan. The passively disloyal deliberately refuse to legislatively forestall Trump’s likely attempt to fire Mueller, much as he fired Comey over “the Russian thing”, and removed Brennan’s security clearance to silence a voice that was pointing out Trump’s errors.

Unpatriotic Devin Nunes, Unpatriotic Donald Trump

February 28, 2018 at 9:41 am | Posted in Abuse of Office, Disinformation, Dysfunctional Politics, Enemies of Freedom | Leave a comment
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Devin Nunes, U.S. Representative from California

Devin Nunes, U.S. Representative from California

Every loyal American would want the investigation of Putin’s interference in the 1916 election to get to the bottom of what Putin’s minions did, and how they did it. Every loyal American would want to refute Putin’s lies, and would want America to have the information it needs to craft defenses against Putin’s future attempts, both on this country and on its allies.

It is iron-clad logic, a simple syllogism: if every loyal American would want those things, then any American who obstructs those investigations and defenses is not a loyal American.

Devin Nunes is not a loyal American.

Donald Trump is not a loyal American.

Devin Nunes is not a patriotic American.

Donald Trump is not a patrotic American.

Devin Nunes is inadvertantly an agent of Vladimir Putin.

Donald Trump is inadvertantly an agent of Vladimir Putin.

Neither should ever have had access to classified information.

Neither should have future access to classified information.

Trump’s primary loyalty is to himself and to his “brand” – not to America, not to freedom, not to fairness, not to honest elections.

There are indications that the same is true of Devin Nunes.

Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution begins, “The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, …”

The writers of the Constitution never anticipated a President who favored an opponent of the United States.

Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump meet at the 2017 G-20 Hamburg Summit.  Photo by

Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump meet at the 2017 G-20 Hamburg Summit. Photo by

What about Paul Ryan?

Donald Trump shaking hands with Speaker of the House Paul Ryan at his February 28, 2017 address to a joint session of Congress.

Donald Trump shaking hands with Speaker of the House Paul Ryan at his February 28, 2017 address to a joint session of Congress.

Surely Paul Ryan had some sense of Devin Nunes’ personality and character before appointing him to the House Intelligence Committee.

Why then did Paul Ryan appoint Nunes as Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee?

Why did Paul Ryan even allow Nunes to be on that Committee?

Paul, please explain to the American people why you appointed Nunes as Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

Paul, now that you cannot miss seeing that you introduced a worm into the apple, what are you going to do about it? Are you going to re-assign Nunes?

Paul, are you, too, not a loyal American?

Paul, are you, too, inadvertantly an agent of Putin?

Paul, where are your primary loyalties? They seem to be to the Republican Party in its current debased form, not to America, not to freedom, not to fairness, not to honest elections.

As noted by Ruth Marcus in the Washington Post:

“Real patriotism would be not to denounce the “Russia hoax” but to insist that Congress — and for that matter, special counsel Robert S. Mueller III — get to the bottom of what happened in the 2016 election and, even more imperative, that the United States strengthen its defenses to prevent future meddling.”

Dishonorable Devin Nunes: What Are His Loyalties?

March 29, 2017 at 12:18 pm | Posted in Abuse of Office, Disinformation, Dysfunctional Politics, Enemies of Freedom, Presidential election | Leave a comment
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Illustration of the Devil in the Codex Gigas, folio 270 recto, early 13th century, by Herman the Recluse of the Benedictine monastery of Podlažice.

Illustration of the Devil in the Codex Gigas, folio 270 recto, early 13th century, by Herman the Recluse of the Benedictine monastery of Podlažice.

To what Is Devil Nunes loyal?

The one who is better known as Devin Nunes (R-Calif.)

Based on his stonewalling of investigations into Russia’s role, and his frantic attempts to divert the focus of the investigation away from Russia and away from Trump’s campaign, and toward the patriots who alerted the country, and his secret nightime trip to confer with the White House, it appears that Devin Nunes’ loyalties, in their order of importance to him, are

  • First, Devin Nunes himself, followed – possibly closely – by his family.
  • Second, Trump, followed – possibly closely – by the Republican Party in its present grotesquely deformed version.
  • Third, possibly the United States, possibly including the district that he supposedly represents.

Given that order of priorities, it is not fitting that Nunes should be a member of the House Intelligence Committee, much less that he should chair it.

Nunes was in Trump’s transition team. Yet he claims that there is no conflict of interest for him to lead the investigation of contacts between Trump’s campaign and Russia.

The conflict of interest is clear. Nunes cannot be objective about this issue.

In attempting to deflect attention away from the real danger – Putin’s mafia – Devin Nunes betrayed his country.

He doesn’t belong in Congress.

For his future, his best career option is to apply to become a caddy at one of Trump’s golf courses.

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